The Thread Project - One World One Cloth
« March 2005 »
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Group Two
Thursday, 17 March 2005
More Threads Coming In
I took the loom to my daughter Sarah's Girl Scout Troop meeting and wove in their threads. I forgot to bring the camera oh well I have plenty of pictures so far.

Also went to a guild meeting and I got thread from Iran so that was awesome. It was actually pulled out from a carpet. The mail has brought threads from my friend Judith, she sent some buffalo and some Wolf yarn. Its a yarn she designed when she was young and was able to support her family selling it. It helped keep the Wolf from the door, hence the name.

Judith's Wolf Yarn - beautiful and soft to the touch.

I also got some my from my friend Shirley. I am hoping for some from Bolivia this week. I have 11 countries represented so far. I would like more but just don't have the contacts. I think I will get 2 more for sure.

I am starting to type in a file all the messages and wishes. You can really feel the emotion come off the page. I am enjoying doing this so much.

Posted by katespins at 10:12 AM MST
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 12:51 PM MST
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