The Thread Project - One World One Cloth
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Group Two
Monday, 23 May 2005
Looking for Weavers
Well I thought I would report on my search for additional weavers. I made connections with Sandy Sitzman who will be in Crete this summer and she will look for weavers there. So that is a possibility.

I received my new Spin Off today and the was an article about the Noelani Womens Weaving Cooperative in Mali Africa. So I have written the coordinator of the project to see if this group of women might like to participate. I heard back from her, she will be going back to Mali, Africa in January and will propose it from this group then. I think that is great.

Posted by katespins at 5:08 PM MDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 May 2005 10:01 AM MDT
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Monday, 18 April 2005
Send Off
I put the Thread Project Panel in the mail and sent it on its way to South Carolina. So it now out of may hands now. Strangely I did not want to let go of it at all.

So I plan top remain part of the project, if there are any of you who know anyone in another country who might like to be a weaver of one of the panels, please contact me and I will answer all questions and get them all set up. The more people we have involved the better.

Posted by katespins at 10:08 AM MDT
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Wednesday, 13 April 2005
Well after playing with the fringe for a few days and not liking what I had been doing I finally got it to work so I am satisfied. I ended up making twisted fringe and adding beads to some of the ends. Among the beads added were a amethyst world with a peace sign on it, beads of glass and ceramics. Some with llamas painted on them and some asian coins. I tried to use a variety of shapes sizes and colors. I am now finsihed with the panel.

Now here are a few close ups of the weaving showind different threads.

This pic shows the crane feathers from Alaska.

I still have some stories to record but I will be sending it back to Terry Helwig the coordinator of the project soon. This is the 4th panel of the 4th cloth. I am anxious to see what the others look like.

Posted by katespins at 10:19 PM MDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 April 2005 10:35 PM MDT
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Thursday, 7 April 2005
Its done - almost
I cut the warp off the Loom....Yeah!!!! I decided to do a Phillipian edge on the fringe before adding the beads. So I am working on that right now. I do promise a picture before it is sent off.

Here is what the edge looks like

I think it will look nice when done and then its time to add all the beads. What fun. Pictures to come.

Posted by katespins at 8:13 AM MDT
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Tuesday, 5 April 2005

There is not much to report. I have been busy all week with trips out of town and then company all weekend. I have been collecting beads to put on the fringe. I will probably weave the last few threads today or tommorow and then add beads to the fringe and then post some new pictures.

Posted by katespins at 8:30 AM MDT
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Tuesday, 29 March 2005

I still have not got the thread from Masankho, but I have gotten others. We now have Maine, Minnesota, Wyoming and New Mexico should arrive today I hope. I have to got out of town for a couple days so I hope that those threads are here when I get back. I am ready to finish this up.

I decided to put beads on the fringe so I am taking donations for them too. Email me if you plan to send any.

Posted by katespins at 8:16 AM MST
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Tuesday, 22 March 2005
Thread from Africa
I heard back from my friend Masankho Banda. He is a dancer/storyteller from Malawi in Africa who now lives in the United States. So he will be sending something from Africa. I will wait for his thread before I finish the cloth.

My portion of the cloth will have the following countries represented:
1. USA
2. Switzerland
3. New Zealand
4. Taiwan
5. Canada
6. Colombia
7. Ecuador
8. Greece
9. Falkland Islands
11. Iran
12. Bolivia
13. Mexico
14. Malawi

I also have threads from Idaho, Montana, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Michigan, Illinois, Wisconsin, California, Arizona, Louisiana, Alaska.

I am working on a file with all the stories people have given. Once that is done I'll put a link on the blog so all of you can read them.

Posted by katespins at 10:10 AM MST
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Thursday, 17 March 2005
More Threads Coming In
I took the loom to my daughter Sarah's Girl Scout Troop meeting and wove in their threads. I forgot to bring the camera oh well I have plenty of pictures so far.

Also went to a guild meeting and I got thread from Iran so that was awesome. It was actually pulled out from a carpet. The mail has brought threads from my friend Judith, she sent some buffalo and some Wolf yarn. Its a yarn she designed when she was young and was able to support her family selling it. It helped keep the Wolf from the door, hence the name.

Judith's Wolf Yarn - beautiful and soft to the touch.

I also got some my from my friend Shirley. I am hoping for some from Bolivia this week. I have 11 countries represented so far. I would like more but just don't have the contacts. I think I will get 2 more for sure.

I am starting to type in a file all the messages and wishes. You can really feel the emotion come off the page. I am enjoying doing this so much.

Posted by katespins at 10:12 AM MST
Updated: Thursday, 17 March 2005 12:51 PM MST
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Tuesday, 15 March 2005
Eagle Rock Art Museum
Mood:  a-ok
I went to the Eagle Rock Art Museum on Saturday. It was pretty quiet, I only had a few people but it was still nice to be in a good space. I also got threads from a diabetes support group. They donated a huge ball of fabric.

Chris Hatch, the director of the Museum looking at her thread.

Friend Liz Herman and another museum volunteer donating threads.

Gay Gilbert donating shoelaces from her hiking boots.

Looking at the cloth

Posted by katespins at 8:48 AM MST
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Wednesday, 9 March 2005

On Tuesday I went to the White Pine Charter School. 6th and 7th graders.

Tying on threads

Weaving their threads into the cloth.

Posted by katespins at 1:58 PM MST
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